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Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association
The Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association (OİB) was formed in 1991 under the title of Uludağ Vehicle and Auxiliary Industry Exporters' Association (UTAYSIB) with 246 members and exports of $163 million under the umbrella of the Uludağ Exporters' Association. Having more than 9.500 active members as of the end of 2024, OIB is the only export representative of the automotive industry, which is the locomotive of the country's total exports. All exporting main and supplier industry companies in the automotive sector in Türkiye are members of OİB, a union of coordination for automotive sector exporters.
Continuously active for more than 30 years and with an exports level of 32,3 billion dollars by the end of 2024, OİB's share in the total exports of UİB is 84 %. As such, it remains a determined leader in exports, a status it has maintained for many years.
The automotive industry, which exports a total of 37,2 billion dollars in 2024, ranks second in European commercial vehicle production.
The principal areas of business of the Association may be summarized as:
- Increasing the export volume of the industry;
- Informing its members about developments in foreign trade.
- Implementing the policies set forth by the Türkiye Ministry of Trade and the Türkiye Exporters Assembly
The role of the automotive industry in the Turkish economy is steadily growing. Besides its potential for creating high-added value, the automotive industry is at the foundation of advances in industrialization and technology. Its growth rate over the years and the export opportunities it provides have made it a significant presence within the Turkish economy.
Because the industry is so integrated with many fundamental and locomotive sectors such as iron & steel, petrochemicals, textiles, glass, electronics, and machinery, the input it contributes to these sectors, its sales revenues, the added value it creates, the real export value realized, its tax and wage potential have assigned it a key role in the economy. Moreover, the industry, with its raw material and auxiliary industries, also generates a huge volume of business and employment for the marketing, dealership service, fuel, financing, and insurance sectors, all of which are key factors in the delivery of automotive products to the consumer. These characteristics of the automotive industry make it a strategic sector that draws the entire country's attention and necessitates special planning designed specifically for the sector.
With this magnitude, the automotive industry provides employment opportunities to 300.000, 50.000 in the main industry and 250.000 in the supplier industry. When the dealerships, logistics, authorized and special services are added to these figures, employment exceeds 500.000.
At present, the Automotive Industry has a 16,5% share of Türkiye's total exports. In line with our future goals, the companies that have invested in our country need to increase their capacities and we also must draw new main industry investments into the country. In addition, it is important to take the necessary steps in line with the technological transformation in the automotive industry
OIB aims to expand and strengthen its existing activities in line with the developments in the industry and to prepare and assist exporters for this transformation with new activities. OIB works in close cooperation with industry stakeholders and member companies and plans its activities by taking into account this transformation in the automotive industry.
"Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) Eminent Service Award”
In addition, the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association has been recognized by the Turkish Grand National Assembly for its contributions to social responsibility projects; the Association's Technical and Vocational High School was commended with the TBMM Eminent Service Award." To meet the potential needs of the school in the period ahead, the OİB Educational Foundation (OEV), founded in 2011, has joined OİB members to support and develop various projects initiated by the Foundation. Contributions to the various projects for schoolchildren are steadily growing.
While the role of the automotive industry in Türkiye's general economy is steadily growing, to meet the need of the sector for qualified human resources, the board of directors of the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association (OİB) executed and took on all costs for the building of the "OİB Technical and Vocational High School," which it has now transferred to the ownership of the Treasury, with usufructuary rights belonging to the Ministry of National Education. The school started to operate in the academic year 2010-2011; it accepts students through the selection and placement central exam that is administered throughout the country.
Equipped with the latest technologies, the school is an exemplary project and provides 7 different curriculum programs. The OİB Technical and Vocational High School is a major educational complex with physics, chemistry, and biology laboratories that serve 720 students, along with other facilities that feature 6 workshops, 24 classrooms, a gymnasium for 720, a 300-capacity boarding facility, a 511-capacity multi-purpose hall and lodgings comprised of 4 apartments.
Exemplary in its collaboration with the Automotive Industry, a "first" was achieved when the OİB Technical and Vocational High School was recognized as a "Green Building."
From exports to the exemplary position of the school as the first and only project of social responsibility in its field, the automotive industry has signed its name to many "firsts" and with its collaboration with main and auxiliary industry corporations, it has pushed the boundaries of environmental awareness with a new concept of the world. Completing its transformation with the donations collected for the social responsibility project, "Back Window," started by the Automotive Industry Exporters' Association Educational Foundation and Ford Otosan, the OİB Technical and Vocational High School was recognized in December 2012 as the first public building in its field and the first and only educational institution to earn a Green Building Certificate.
The automotive industry is looking for designs and projects...
The ideas, designs, and projects of the automotive industry find their way into a competition that is held every year. OİB organizes "The Future of Automotive Design Competition” with the Türkiye Ministry of Trade's support and under the Türkiye Exporters Assembly (TIM) coordination. The objective of the competition is to encourage the development of unique and innovative designs for the automotive industry, bring together the innovative project suggestions of manufacturers and exporters, and turn these projects into partnerships.